Cyberpunk 2077 Endings Guide All Endings And Epilogues Feat 1
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How to get all endings and epilogues in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0

All journeys must come to an end.

Cyberpunk 2077 has several endings and epilogues for you to discover as you close out your journey with V. There’s a lot to discuss, so we’ve included a neat table of contents at the top to help you get to the ending that interests you. Let’s get into it.

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Cyberpunk 2077: All endings and epilogues guide

I’ve split up this guide into multiple parts to detail each ending and epilogue, as well as the concepts you’ll need to be aware of to unlock them. I’ve also added the information on V’s romance partner, important decisions, and when you should keep a save file if you want to see how other narrative branches play out. You can refer to the pages below:

Cyberpunk 2077 Endings Guide All Endings And Epilogues

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Before we head out, it’s important to note that the character you romance and an ally you can save play roles during these ending sequences.

Also, Cyberpunk 2077’s finales have lots of baddies for you to eliminate. As such, make sure you’ve selected ideal combat perks and you’ve got decent gear. Or, if you’re like me, you’ve picked up cool attire and clothing in case you want to capture key moments without V looking like a goof.

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All Cyberpunk 2077 endings

Let’s discuss everything you need to know about Cyberpunk 2077’s endings and epilogues. There are five endings in total and you can only get one of them. However, with the help of this guide, you can learn about every ending and choose the one you like the best.

In my opinion, the Panam ending is the best because I was romancing Panam and it felt like the most fitting end to our story. You should consider choosing the ending with the character you’re romancing, or you can go with your gut and pick a cool ending like the Path of Least Resistance ending that lets you go out with a bang.

The point of no return

After completing several main quests in Cyberpunk 2077, you’ll eventually get a mission called “Nocturne OP55N1.” This tasks you with going to the Embers bar to meet Hanako Arasaka. Regardless of the ending you want, this mission is always the game’s “point of no return” which ushers in one of the five endings depending on what you’ve done before.

Make sure you have a save file before you enter Embers. Once you go inside, you’re locked out of all side quests until you complete the main objectives for the particular ending branch you select.

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Your romance partner

V will have a chance to call the character you romanced during Cyberpunk 2077’s campaign. It’s just a short lovey-dovey moment that tells you what’s at stake. I definitely recommend calling the person you’re romancing because it creates a sweet moment and allows you to change your ending if you want to.

The character you romanced will also play a role in certain epilogues. Likewise, they might have a special message for you during the end credits.

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The main choices

You’ll be chatting with Hanako Arasaka and Johnny Silverhand will be reacting. Then, V’s relic goes haywire and she ends up in Vic the Ripperdoc’s joint. From here, Misty will escort you to the rooftop and she’ll ask you to sit with her.

It’s imperative that you save your game (using a different slot, of course) before you sit down with Misty.

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Sitting down with her leads to some dialogue and, eventually, Johnny will tell you to make a decision on how to finish Cyberpunk 2077’s storyline. This is where you can unlock different endings and epilogues.

  • “Think trusting Arasaka’s risky but worth it” – This option is always available since it leads to the default ending branch. It has you trusting Hanako Arasaka and her plan, which is the first ending.
  • “Gonna ask Panam for help” – This will only be available if you completed Panam Palmer’s side quests. You don’t need to have successfully romanced her. Anyway, you’ll be completing the finale with the help of the Nomads and that’ll be the second ending option.
  • “Think you and Rogue should go” – This will only be available if you completed Rogue Amendiares’ side quests. You’ll finish Cyberpunk 2077 with the help of Rogue. This is the third ending.
  • “Could also just put it all to rest” – This will appear once you click any of the three options since it implies V’s having a change of mind. This leads to a depressing end for V which is the “bad” ending and the fourth in our list.
  • “Let’s hear this plan” – This will only appear if you have a 70% relationship rating with Johnny and you stay idle for roughly five minutes. This leads to Cyberpunk 2077’s secret ending which is the fifth ending you can get in Cyberpunk 2077.

Note: If you select a particular reply, there may be another dialogue option that lets you change your mind. For instance, if you select “Gonna ask Panam for help,” you’re presented with “Call Panam” or “Call Hanako.” From there, you can choose from two or more endings if you completed the requirements to get those endings. I recommend seeing all the endings, but you should choose a more unique ending than Hanako since that is the most generic ending.

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Important decisions, key differences, and end credits

All of Cyberpunk 2077’s finales play out differently. Furthermore, barring the “bad ending,” there will be another important decision to make towards the end of the mission. This will lead to a particular epilogue, capping off V’s and Johnny’s storylines.

Depending on the ending and epilogue you get, the characters you’ve met throughout your journey would have unique messages for V during the end credits. Also, try to pay attention to Misty’s tarot readings once you head down from the rooftop and during the end credits. Although the scenes and conversations with other characters tell you of V’s fate, her tarot cards also offer some insight.

Note: Assuming you saved Goro Takemura and you decided to side with Panam or Rogue (and not Hanako), his end credits message will be his “death poem.”

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Anyway, let’s talk about the rewards you’ll get from Cyberpunk 2077’s endings.

Rewards for beating Cyberpunk 2077

After completing Cyberpunk 2077, you’re given rewards and you’re asked if you want to continue with the game (i.e., one more gig). This will start the last mission and get you on the path to see one of the five endings.

Now, this isn’t necessarily a New Game+ or an extended run. V is simply dropped off in front of Embers just prior to meeting with Hanako Arasaka (basically with the “Nocturne OP55N1” quest still active).

The loot you obtained from all the mobs during the finale would be gone, though you’ll still have the gear in your inventory prior to the meeting.

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The main difference is that you’d have a reward depending on the path you previously chose:

  • Hanako Arasaka’s Plan/The Devil – Johnny’s Tanktop and Johnny’s Aviators.
  • Ask Panam for Help/The Star – Aldecaldos Rally Bolero Jacket.
  • Ask Rogue for Help/The Sun – Johnny’s Tanktop, Johnny’s Aviators, and Pride pistol.
  • Panam or Rogue/Temperance – Aldecaldos Rally Bolero Jacket.
  • Bad ending – None.
  • Secret ending – I already got the rewards from the other endings, and I don’t think this nets you new stuff.

Note 1: For some reason, I already had Johnny’s Tanktop and Johnny’s Aviators well before I finished Cyberpunk 2077.

Note 2: You’ll still have the rewards from the other endings you’ve completed whenever you spawn back in front of Embers. This applies even if you’re loading your rooftop save to complete those endings.

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Anyway, let’s talk about Cyberpunk 2077’s default path, one that has you going with Hanako Arasaka’s plan.

Hanako Arasaka’s plan: “The Devil” ending

This branch will always be available since it’s the default path you can take in Cyberpunk 2077. Then, on the rooftop, say that “trusting Hanako is risky but worth it.” In my opinion, this is the worst Cyberpunk 2077 ending because it is generic and not specific to your playthrough if you romanced characters or got close to Johnny Silverhand.

If you choose to go with Hanako Arasaka’s plan, Johnny won’t be too happy with it. Anyway, Anders Hellman will arrive to pick you up.

Note: If you saved Goro Takemura, he’ll show up as well. He’ll assist you further in the next missions.

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In “Last Caress,” your objective is to speak with Hanako Arasaka who’s being guarded in a mansion. You have to eliminate four elite guards and, if spotted, you’ll need to take out everyone, including a mech.

Speak with Hanako and ride the vehicle to finish the mission.

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In “Totalimmortal,” Hanako will inform you that her father’s consciousness is alive thanks to the Soulkiller program.

Oh, and if you saved Takemura, Oda (the boss you fought a few missions prior) helps out as well.

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You’ll be killing numerous guards who are still loyal to Hanako’s brother Yorinobu. Then, Adam Smasher will arrive to settle the score. Takemura will be assisting you, too, if he’s around.

Defeat Adam Smasher and decide his fate. Then, head to the inner chambers to confront Yorinobu.

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After a chat with Johnny in cyberspace, V will wake up in one of Arasaka’s orbital stations. This is now the “Where Is My Mind?” mission.

V will undergo a series of tests and, towards the end, you’ll probably get bored out of your wits.

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You’ll eventually have an option to call your friends, so go ahead.

Important: Save your game here. The next sequence leads to a major decision after V starts causing a ruckus. You won’t be able to save anymore during the next part.

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Major decision

Takemura (or Hellman if you didn’t save Goro) will arrive and tell you that the relic has been removed. Unfortunately, V will still die. You’re presented with two choices:

  • Sign contract.
  • Takes things and return to Earth.
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Signing the contract

V will give up her memories and personality, basically her entire being, to Arasaka. These will be stored in a chip until a suitable host body is found, whenever that may be.

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Returning to Earth

V will simply pack her bags and leave the space station, her future uncertain.

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All right, let’s talk about Cyberpunk 2077’s ending involving Panam and the Nomads.

Ask Panam for help: “The Star” and “Temperance” endings

For this Cyberpunk 2077 finale to become available, you’ll need to finish Panam Palmer’s side quests: “Riders on the Storm,” “With a Little Help from my Friends,” and “Queen of the Highway.” Having her as your romantic partner isn’t necessary, but it doesn’t hurt, either. Then, on the rooftop, choose to “call Panam.”

This Cyberpunk 2077 finale has “We Gotta Live Together.” This is fairly straightforward since all you need to do is talk to a few folks. This is my favorite ending because it’s wholesome and it has Panam in it.

You’ll also become a member of the Aldecaldos, Panam’s Nomad clan. Speak with Panam at the end to move on to the next part.

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In “Forward to Death,” your fellow Aldecaldos Nomads will help you breach Arasaka’s security.

You’ll use the Basilisk hovertank to lay waste to enemy forces on the border of Night City and the Badlands.

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After a while, you’ll have to go on foot to eliminate the remaining hostiles before the Basilisk can be piloted again.

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Eventually, V, Panam, and Saul will find their way inside Arasaka’s HQ in “Belly of the Beast.”

You’ll be battling more Arasaka goons and even some mechs.

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Adam Smasher arrives to duke it out with the trio. Unfortunately, let’s just say Saul got ahead of himself.

It’s up to you and Panam to finish off the formidable merc.

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Important: When you open the Mikoshi chamber (seen below), make sure to save your game. The next part has a major decision to make, and you can load from this point to experience the other branching path.

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Major decision

After talking with Johnny and Alt in cyberspace, you’re presented with a couple of major decisions:

  • “Wanna live out whatever life I got left.”
  • “Body’s Johnny’s. I’ll go.”

Note: Even if you’ve made a decision, you can still change your mind by doing the opposite of what you intended (i.e., going to the light or interacting with the well).

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Live out the life you have left/”The Star”

V will return to her body knowing she only has months to live. Still, she’s determined to make the most out of it.

Panam will drive you to the outskirts of the city since the Nomads are about to leave. You’ll be joining them on their journey to a new frontier.

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Furthermore, it’s possible for the character you romanced (in my case, it was Judy) to join V once everyone leaves Night City.

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Anyway, follow the waypoints until you exit Night City’s borders. Personally, I think this is the best ending in Cyberpunk 2077 due to how it all comes together.

V might pass away in a few months, but she’s able to finish the fight. Plus, she’s got her partner and a new family of sorts.

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Give your body to Johnny/”Temperance”

Johnny wakes up in an apartment still in V’s body. Pick up your stuff and talk to a kid named Steve. He’ll drive you around to grab a guitar and all that.

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Later, Johnny will place the bullet necklace that was V’s memento. He says his final goodbyes to her and to Night City, leaving for good.

Oh, for this Cyberpunk 2077 ending, V’s friends think she’s still alive. Sadly, they just assumed she’s too busy to talk to them. Even Judy (the character my female V romanced) doesn’t know what went wrong in their relationship.

I think this is a pretty sad ending, especially because your friends don’t know what happened.

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All right, let’s talk about Cyberpunk 2077’s ending where you ask Rogue for help.

Ask Rogue for help: “The Sun” and “Temperance” endings

For this Cyberpunk 2077 finale to become available, you must finish Rogue Amendiares’ side quests: “Chippin’ In” and “Blistering Love.” Then, on the rooftop, say that “Johnny and Rogue will go,” and take the pills.

V will let Johnny take full control of her.

The rockstar shows up instantly in the Afterlife bar to meet with Rogue in “For Whom the Bell Tolls.”

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After some conversations, go ahead and pick up the gear and head to her AV.

You’ll also be assisted by one of Rogue’s cohorts, a merc by the name of Weyland.

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The next mission, “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door,” is also an attack on Arasaka’s HQ. The difference is that you’ll be dropping in from above (though you’d still end up in the “jungle” floor).

As usual, you’ll be taking out Arasaka’s goons, drones, and mechs.

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Unfortunately, just as the trio is about to reach the Mikoshi chamber, Adam Smasher arrives. Johnny (in full control of V’s body) watches as the love of his life dies.

I guess this is Cyberpunk 2077’s “Aeris and Sephiroth” moment, eh?

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Unload on Smasher and beat him to a pulp. When his HP reaches zero, you have the option to pick up Rogue’s gun, Pride.

You can then decide Smasher’s fate. I think you know what he deserves.

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Important: You’ll enter the Mikoshi chamber, so make sure you save your game before walking further ahead. You can load your save to experience the other branching path.

Anyway, the next sequence takes place in cyberspace. The key difference here compared to the major decision in the Panam scenario is that you’re, technically, playing as Johnny. That means V is the one stuck with Alt.

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Major decision

Alt tells Johnny that V won’t live long if she goes back to her body. The relic has changed too much of the bio-signature that V’s psyche is no longer compatible with her physical form. Instead, it’s Johnny who’ll have a life ahead of him if he uses the body. Now, you’ve got an important decision to make:

  • “Goin’ with Alt. You live on.”
  • “Not ready to die yet.”

Note: If you noticed, the choices/results here are reversed compared to the Panam ending since you’re playing as Johnny.

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Go with Alt/”The Sun”

Johnny will decide that it’s time to face the music. He’ll go with Alt to the deepest layer of cyberspace so V can regain control of her body.

In this new mission, “Path of Glory,” V wakes up in a fancy apartment. If you romanced a companion, they’ll be here, too.

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After a steamy shower scene, your partner confides in you.

Note: In Judy’s case, she and V had to part ways. I’m not sure if other companions will have a similar reaction.

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While in the vehicle, Delamain the chauffeur AI will tell V that she’s now the “Legend of Night City.” She’s basically the top dog, the most renowned mercenary in the region.

Oh, and with Rogue’s passing, V owns the Afterlife bar. It’s here that you’ll meet the mysterious Mr. Blue Eyes.

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He gives V a critical task to infiltrate the Crystal Palace, a casino orbiting the Earth.

V heads to space, rock music blaring in her helmet, as the credits roll. It would be cool to play out this fight, but sadly, we don’t get to.

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Not ready to die/”Temperance”

This Cyberpunk 2077 epilogue is similar to what you’d experience if V sacrificed herself for Johnny (in the Panam scenario). The difference, though, is that Rogue’s dead.

Anyway, let’s talk about Cyberpunk 2077’s bad ending.

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V commits suicide

This Cyberpunk 2077 ending only becomes available once you choose any of the visible options on the rooftop. Then, a decision to “put it all to rest” appears. To get this ending, you need to select any ending, then select, “Could also put this all to rest,” and then “[Toss pills] I know. Exactly what we’re gonna do.”

If you pick this option, V will have a heart-to-heart talk with Johnny.

A gunshot is heard as the screen fades to black and the end credits roll.

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During the end credits, you’ll hear the soul-crushing comments from V’s friends. This truly is the most depressing Cyberpunk 2077 ending.

I honestly don’t recommend this ending because of how bleak it is. You won’t get any epilogues, your friends will miss you, and suicide is never the answer and is a depressing ending to the game, as it always is.

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We have a full guide to help you learn how to get the Cyberpunk 2077 secret ending, but we’ll give you a brief look at how to get it and what happens. First, you need to have a 70% or higher relationship with Johnny. Then, you need to wait for about five minutes when Johnny presents you with dialogue options just before the final mission. Eventually, you’ll get the “Let’s hear this plan” dialogue option which, when chosen, starts you along the secret ending.

After fighting through Arasaka’s HQ alone, you’ll enter cyberspace and be given the same two conclusions as seen in other endings. But, the secret ending here allows you to not risk the lives of your friends as you attack Arasaka’s HQ.

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Image of Jason Rodriguez
Jason Rodriguez
Jason Rodriguez is a guides writer. Most of his work can be found on PC Invasion (around 3,400+ published articles). He's also written for IGN, GameSpot, Polygon, TechRaptor, Gameskinny, and more. He's also one of only five games journalists from the Philippines. Just kidding. There are definitely more around, but he doesn't know anyone. Mabuhay!
Image of Noah Nelson
Noah Nelson
From his early days of blog-style music, movie, and game reviews to working as the Esports Writer at Coastline Community College, Noah Nelson now works fulltime as a Staff Writer for Attack of the Fanboy and PC Invasion. He has been helping gamers everywhere with Destiny 2 god rolls, Warzone 2 DMZ missions, and collectibles in any indie game for over a year and a half. His Bachelor's Degree in English Rhetoric and Composition with a minor in Journalism from CSULB has shaped him to be a strong writer and editor. His fondest gaming memory is playing Sly Cooper 2 after begging his mom (for hours) to play it before his birthday and he still cries myself to sleep remembering the time he accidentally saved over his 99% completion save file in Kingdom Hearts 2.